Planting Trees, Keshab da, Soumit, Santanu & Me |
অরণ্য সপ্তাহ ২০১৯ উদযাপন
Celebration of Aranya Saptaho 2019 was done with great enthusiasm from Hitarthi Prangan on the the 21st day of July, 2019. We collected saplings from Forest Department, Government of West Bengal. The saplings were distributed among the local inhabitants. The program was headed by the work force of Santoshpur Prof. Satyandranath Bose Science Circle. What I loved most is that the way our team was inquiring every individual looking for free saplings.
হিতার্থী প্রাঙ্গণে ২১-শে জুলাই উদযাপিত হল অরণ্য সপ্তাহ। পশিমবঙ্গ সরকারের বনবিভাগ থেকে আনা চারাগাছগুলি তুলে দেওয়া হয় সন্তোষপুরের সাধারণ এলাকাবাসীর হাতে। প্রায় ঘণ্টা দুয়েকের এই অনুষ্ঠানের সমাপ্তি হয় এই শপথ নিয়ে যে আবার পরের বছর আমরা আসব চারাগাছ বিতরণ করতে।
আয়োজনে - সন্তোষপুর প্রফেসর সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ বসু সায়েন্স সার্কেল।
Soumit |
Few sample conversations:-
Our team: What are you looking for here? Any specific plant? Do you have a plot of land?
Response: Nope! I don't have land. I want to plant it on roof-top.
Response: Oh! Ok!
Bappa Donating Saplings, Keshabda Registering Recipients' Name |
Young saplings waiting for home |
Soumit handling young saplings |
Proud to get ownership of a sapling |
Young sapling distributed by our young brigrade |
Plants in the queue for perfect home |
Soumit donating plants |
Me with Subhashis holding young plant |
Me with Prasenjit |
Donation of Saplings at SOMONWYI Club |
Great Feelings |
Honestly, distribution of saplings is not like cleaning gutter. It needs passion. Donation of a sapling calls for diligent selection of proper caregiver as without care no sapling can survive. There were demands for both fruit as well as flowering plants. Species include, guava, jack fruit, amla (AMLAKI), pomegranate - just to name a few. This two-hour long event ended up with the promise to come back with plants in the next year.